Days to registration deadline (extended): midnight, 31-08-2024
The 10th International Conference on Business and Management Dynamics (ICBMD) will be held on 11-12 September 2024 at Sun City Resort, North West Province, South Africa. The theme for the 10th ICBMD Conference is:
Economic inequality and the industrialisation of developing countries: The challenges and solutions
Economic inequality is a pressing issue in many developing countries, and industrialisation can exacerbate or mitigate these inequalities. Industrialisation, drawn from impact research, technological innovations, and the impact of natural disasters and diseases, can lead to economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. Addressing economic inequality in the context of industrialisation in developing countries requires a holistic approach that combines economic policies, social programs, and government or public sector reforms. The goal is to ensure that the benefits of industrialisation are distributed more equitably, lifting people out of poverty and promoting long-term sustainable development in a rapidly changing world. However, it can also contribute to unintended inequality if not accompanied by policies and strategies that ensure the benefits are widely shared through public and private sector reforms.
The question is, “Why do developing countries like Africa, with their huge mineral and human resources, have so much inequality and have not extensively industrialised?” ICBMD-2024 calls for a deeper understanding of these intrinsic difficulties and perhaps new management and leadership approaches to address these issues. As ICBMD celebrates its ten years of establishment as the most partnered South African International Conference, it is providing the platform for discussions, interactions, collaborations, networking and sharing, all for the sake of contributing to the existing bodies of knowledge related to the conference theme.
As such, the ICBMD-2024 invites scholarly work in the form of empirical research papers, conceptual research papers, rigorous case studies and technical research reports that address these intrinsic difficulties in all aspects of disciplines related to business management, social sciences, humanities, engineering, physical science, medicine, and political science.
These fields include, among others:
- Financial Accounting
- Economics
- Development Economics
- Development Finance
- Management
- Digital Marketing
- Branding
- Consumer behaviour
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Wholesale & Retail
- Human Resource Development & Management
- Knowledge & Information Management
- Social Enterprises
- Social Innovation
- Business Enterprises
- Entrepreneurship
- Technopreneurship
- Agripreneurship
- Corporate Social Investment
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Green/Circular Economy
- Information Technology
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- 4IR, Digital Transformation
- Digital Business
- Big Data Analytics
- Public Administration/Innovation
- Geopolitics and International Relations
- Work Integrated Learning
Note: There will be dedicated Colloquia Track Sessions for postgraduate students. Prof Mark Saunders of the University of Birmingham (UK), a well-known research methodology expert, will facilitate all sessions.
Fort Hare University; University of KwaZulu Natal; University of Namibia; North-West University; Durban University of Technology; International Internship University; University of Zululand; Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (Ghana); Green Communities International (Ghana); International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Africa Development (Ghana)
Phone: +27 21 460 3511